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28 Throckmorton Ln
Ste 202, Old Bridge, NJ - 08857

Opening Hours

Mon - 8.30 AM to 2.00 PM

Tue - 10.00 AM to 2.00 PM, 4.00 PM to 7.00 PM

Thu - 12.00 PM to 7.00 PM

Sat - 8.00 AM to 1.00 PM






All about wisdom tooth removal

Wisdom Tooth Extraction

Wisdom tooth extraction is one of the most common dental procedures that people go through and it is also a highly recommended one. For the unversed, wisdom teeth are the four teeth, the last molars, that are located at the back corners of your mouth (bottom left and right and top left and right).
While they don’t really have any function, if they don’t have room to grow (impacted wisdom teeth) they can cause shooting pains, dental infection, and other oral health issues.
To prevent any future health problems, your dentist might recommend you to get rid of them even if they are currently not posing any threat.

What problems do impacted wisdom teeth cause?

Impacted wisdom teeth are the ones that do not have room to grow, so they grow at angles that might affect the neighboring teeth and cause pain and discomfort. Some of the problems related to impacted wisdom tooth growth are:

  • Pain
  • Dental infections
  • Tooth decay in the partially erupted one
  • Damage to neighboring teeth are surrounding bone
  • Complications with other dental procedures and treatments

What does the procedure involve?

Wisdom tooth removal is an outpatient procedure, so you can go back home the same day. Your orthodontist will intimate you about the procedure and instruction to follow on your first appointment. If the procedure is expected to be complicated based on the eruption of the tooth your dentist may refer you to an oral surgeon.

The procedure begins with your surgeon administering local anesthesia on the surgical area and applying a numbing agent on the tooth and also the neighboring teeth so you don’t feel pain, however, you might experience slight tugging or discomfort.

During the surgery, the surgeon will first make an incision in the gum tissue to expose the tooth and the bone. Then the bone is removed before dividing the tooth in pieces so removing the tooth becomes easy. After the tooth is extracted, the wound is cleaned and closed to promote healing. Lastly, a piece of gauze is placed over the surgical site to stop bleeding and provide comfort.

Dental Treatment
What does aftercare involve?

Once the surgery is done, your doctor will allow you sometime to feel better. Later, he might prescribe pain relieving medications and instruct you to eat fluid and semi-solid food for the next 48 hours. Drinking lots of water is advisable along with using ice packs for the swelling and bruising which may take 2-3 days to heal. You will be asked to avoid alcohol and caffeinated drinks for a few days. Steer clear from strenuous and physically demanding activities. Also, don’t brush your teeth for the first 24 hours; instead, use mouthwash to keep your mouth clean. For any other doubt, it is best to stay in touch with your dentist for as long as you don’t feel accustomed and confident about taking care of yourself.

Frequently Asked Questions

Depending on the complexity of the issue, different types of anesthesia are available. The doctor uses their best judgment to use it. You might feel discomfort and a tugging sensation but during the procedure, efforts are made to minimize the pain as far as feasible.

The duration of the surgery depends on the number of teeth being extracted. One tooth takes approximately 30 minutes to be surgically removed.

Again, this depends on what your dentist think your dental health condition is. If you have been experiencing pain and the state looks severe, the dentist might advise the removal of all of them.

Once the anesthesia wear off you might experience pain and discomfort for several hours. In this case, your doctor will prescribe medications and give you guidelines to follow in order to relieve the pain.